2024 Sun Moon Lake Swimming Carnival
Event Date: 2024-09-15
Address: 朝霧碼頭, Yuchi Township, Nantou County Taiwán, R.O.C
For the event schedules, please refer to the official site or poster for any latest changes.
The annual swim across Soon Moon Lake has been held every year, around the Mid-Autumn Festival, since 1983, with swimmers from Taiwan and overseas coming together to take part.
The event starts at Chaowu Pier in Sun Moon Lake and is about 3,000 meters in length. It was officially included in the International Swimming Hall of Fame in 2002. Every year, it attracts tens of thousands of swimming enthusiasts from all over the world, making it a "Sun Moon Lake Swimming Carnival" involving long-distance swimming across the lake.
Registration and event information: Puli Four-Seasons Morning Swimming Association