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  • You have to be very careful about those people who try to give you a very low price for boat or taxi trip. Some of them may misguide you to buy some goods with unreasonable prices.
  • There is a bus stop opposite to the police station on the Jhong-shang Road near the new Visitor Center.
  • Nowadays, there are four temples nearby the lake. From the clockwise direction, they are Wenwu Temple, Xuanzang Temple, Xuanguang Temple and Lonfong Temple. Among those temples, Xuanguang and Xuanzang Temples are pure Buddhist temples. Wenwu Temple was built to worship Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism. Longfong Temple is a Daoism Temple. Xuanguang and Xuanzang Temples worship (enshrine) the relics of the great monk Xuanzang. He was born in Tang Dynasty about 1600 years ago. His great achievement was that he went to India to study Buddhism and brought back a lot of books about Buddhism. Moreover, he translated those books written in Sanskrit (梵文) to Chinese language. He indeed made a great contribution to the development of Buddhism in China and other Asian countries. Wenwu Temple worships the Civil Saint of Confucius, the Military Saint of Guan-gong and the foundation Gods. Confucius was the greatest teacher in ancient China. Today, many students come here to pray for blessings of good grade in examinations. Whenever you can see many copies of "Certificate of Entrance Examinations" on the altar, you are forced to believe Confucius has done a good job. Long-fong Temple worships the god of Matchmaker and other local deities. The god of Matchmaker was moved to this temple from the Lalu Island after 921 Earthquake. Many couples in love like to come here to pray for marriage as soon as possible and their love last forever.
  • At the bus parking lot, you’ll see the entrance of Xiangshang Bikeway. Once you get on the Bikeway, follow the signs for “Xiangshang Scenic Outlook”, and you’ll find the place. It’s about 10~15 min on foot.
  • The places to enjoy sunrise are Mt. Maolan, Shuishe Dam, Hanbi Peninsula and Ci-en Pagoda.
  • You can take the boat on the Shuishe and Ita Thao Piers, and the Entrance of Han-bi Hiking Trail.
  •  Easycard or iPASS can use at round-the-lake bus.

  • Yes, there's MOS burger in the ShuiShe vistor center, and there are several convenient stores where they sell lunch boxes and instant noodles.
  • Yes, there's MOS burger in the ShuiShe vistor center, and there are several convenient stores where they sell lunch boxes and instant noodles.
  • In addition to Visitor Center, you can surf on the website of https://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw in English or Japanese version.
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