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July 2024 wallpaper download & events during the month


電腦版1920X1080Fun things to do in #Nantou in July
Reports on events around the county📢
#Feel free to leave a message on theSun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Headquarters the FB fan page

▪️From now to 9/30: 2024: Taiwan Midsummer Festival
📍There are 13 national scenic area headquarters in Taiwan, 10 major museums in southern Taiwan, and 22 local county and city governments taking part in the festival.
Offers on food, drink, entertainment and accommodation🔗

Come play in the water and enjoy summer fun💦
▪️From now until 9/1:@ Water Paradise in Shuili-Crazy Water Festival
📍Shuili Water Park
▪️From now until 8/25: Puli Water Festival
📍@Yama.Taomi Water Park
▪️From now until 8/20: Green tourism “Sustainable food and love the earth”
📍Nantou County
▪️7/1-8/31:2024 Meifeng Local Vegetarian Food Event
📍@National Taiwan University Mountain Experimental Farm 
▪️7/20:Zhushan County Ecological Ride in the Wilderness @Fun Travel to Nantou
📍Zhushan Keming Temple
▪️7/26-27 :@YuchiFestival𓆝𓆟𓆜𓆞𓆡
▪️7/27:@Mountain City Local Hiphop Festival
📍Zhushan SanyuebaoTemple

Beat the heat in July and come to #Sunmoonlaketo enjoy a cool summer
#Everyone is welcome to download the mobile/computer version wallpaper.
The download is for sharing only, commercial use is prohibited🚫


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