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Tutingzai Hiking Trail


Tutingzai is the location of the Thao tribe's Tarinkuansite; this is where the lhkatafatu clan's ancestral-spirit ceremonies take place. Thus, images of the Thao's own sacred mascot, the owl, can be seen on the trail.

Starting from Riyue Village go south for four kilometers and you will reach a pavilion.  The pavilion is as at the boundary of Shabalan Mountain and Jiadonglun. The entrance with an owl image is located there.

Due to its elevated wooden pathway, the current topography and vegetation have been preserved. The trail is lined with many signboards that explain the Thao culture. At the end of the trail is a viewing structure, from where one can look south, north, and west to the distant mountains and nearby waters.


Opening Hours: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
During days when there is a typhoon or if the weather is affected by other natural disasters, the trail will be closed due to those circumstances.

TEL: +886-49-2855668

Address: Yuchi Township, Nantou County Taiwán, R.O.C


  • Parking
  • Trails

How to Get There

Choose a transportation method based on your departure location.


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